Selah Vita

Life is a treasured asset…don't let it pass by without pausing to think about each moment~~~selah vita



i've often wondered about the uniqueness of some people...i've wondered about people's opinions being so critical and even unjust in their evaluation of what being unique is and sometimes labeling it "weird".  i'm here to say, don't you think it's time we begin to value the uniqueness of others and even ourselves? i've come to a place in my life where i've decided i'm going to celebrate my "uniqueness" and be comfy in my own skin, in spite of what others may label me!  to some i'm quirky, to others eccentric, and to a few, plain old weird...but it's time for me to stand with who i am and declare, i am created by one who has a unique way of thinking and creating things, unlike any human i've ever known... if He indeed has created me with these little oddities, who am i to argue?  yes, i am different in many ways (others may suggest), but again "i am who i am" and "it is what it is"... though i may be scoffed at by some, others have embraced my unique way of thinking and creating, and i'm good with the meantime while others teeter on what they think of me, i have decided i am celebrating me and enjoying the ride!  does anyone want to join me? i welcome and double dog dare you to be who you were created to be!! any takers?

i’ve often wondered about the uniqueness of some people…i’ve  also wondered about people’s opinions being so critical and even unjust in their evaluation of what being unique is and sometimes labeling it as “weird”.
so, i’m here to ask if you  think it’s time we begin to value the uniqueness of others and even ourselves?
i’ve come to a place in my life where i’ve decided i’m going to celebrate my “uniqueness” and be comfy in my own skin, in spite of what others may label me!
to some i’m quirky, to others eccentric, and to a few, plain old weird, some have suggested i’m the whole box of crayons! but i’ve realized, it’s time for me to stand for who i am and declare, i am created by the One who has a unique way of thinking and creating things, unlike any human i’ve ever known…
if He indeed has created me with these little oddities, who am i to argue?
yes, i’m different in many ways ( as others may suggest), but again “i am who i am” and “it is what it is”…
though some may scoff, others have embraced my unique way of thinking and creating, and i do delight in that…in the meantime while others teeter on what they think of me, i have decided to celebrate me and my freedom and make it a wild, enjoyable ride!
does anyone want to join me?
i welcome you and double dog dare you to give it a try and believe in who you were created to be!! do i have any takers?